
Extreme Heavy Metal Reviews

Nu-Metal Filth - "Twilight of the Idols" Review (0%)

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Twilight of the Idols
Twilight of the Idols by Gorgoroth.

Well, they finally did it... they stripped black metal of any and all credibility.

I mean, how much is there to really say about this pig shit Twilight of the Idols?

Gorgoroth is made up of a gang of fruits from Norway - a fact which does not surprise me the slightest - playing music that is somewhat akin to a blend of generic norsecore, shitty American nu-metal, the worst emocore band you ever heard and a garishly under produced and tuneless Michael Jackson cover band.

Excited yet? I didn't think so.

What is good about nu-metal? At the very least, it is expected that any major artist in the genre will supply the music with a vocalist who can actually perform convincing vocals. Or, setting the bar even lower, provide the illusion that he can perform proper vocals, with studio effect assistance. The music should be somewhat intense, and should carry a coherent melody throughout its duration with whatever instruments the artist decided to use. The rhythm itself, while extremely basic, should at the very least follow the lead melody in a believable fashion.

In case you hadn't guessed yet, Gorgoroth does none of these things on Twilight of the Idols.

The vocals on Twilight of the Idols are just horrible, and the lyrics are beyond retarded.

Gaahl's voice is not only as wimpy as they come, but he has no charisma, no ear for melody and an awful nasally lilt to his voice that quite frankly makes me want to rip out his voice box.

The guitarist Infernus is even worse, for that matter, as most of his riffs sound like a particularly shitty nu-metal version of what Burzum and Darkthrone had been playing a decade prior to the release of this mallcore filth.

Nu-Metal Filth


Twilight of the Idols is music for masochists, and for people that hate black metal and want an easy target to mock.

They ought to have put that as a disclaimer on the cover rather than the pseudo-edgy "church burner" - something that had nothing to do with the queer band Gorgoroth - bullshit, maybe they would have found a group of fans more deserving of their, uh, talents.

The songs on Twilight of the Idols have no creativity or individuality.

The band may have thought they were writing songs that had those elements, but unfortunately, squandering their generic norsecore/nu-metal fusion in poppy fuzz and inane electronic blips and beeps does not achieve the desired effect.

The hooks are just atrocious, the riffs are nerve grating to the point that you have to pause the music for a break every few minutes. Just listen to the laughable nu-metal drivel that is "Of Ice and Movement", that has to be a record for some of the most generic, soulless, annoying "satanic" pop melodies ever penned down.

Or how about the opening track, in which the vocal performance is so lazy that I'm pretty sure Gaahl performed them while lying in bed and reading a LGBT-friendly version of 50 Shades of Grey. Or "Forces of Satan Storms"? Is that the shittiest, most uncoordinated attempt at a "blackened" nu-metal track you've ever heard? I think it is.

"Domine In Virtute Tua Laetabitur Rex" would be the worst song on Twilight of the Idols, with its completely unlistenable foray into badly written new-agey synth music with some vocals that are too lispy and jumpy for the singer to possibly be heterosexual at all, but it's not.

It's not the worst on here simply because it ends the album. My endless relief is almost visible as the last notes skulk away forever.

Twilight of the Idols is just a piece of nu-metal filth, only good to be flushed down the toilet forever as Gaahl and Infernus' used condoms after a Village People party in the studio.

It's like the "blackened" nu-metal equivalent of a bad porn movie, in every conceivable way. It's trashy, it will ruin your day as the performances are so lazy and it is in the unique position of being a virtual black hole of anything enjoyable or even slightly pleasant.

There is nothing about Twilight of the Idols that I enjoy, and nothing on it that anyone with good taste in black metal - or any form of music, really - would want to hear.

There is some kind of weird subsector of metal fans that this filth might appeal to, but I think it is best we just forget about them. They're kind of like the embarrassing grandma who shits herself at family dinners, sort of like Gaahl and Inferanus but for different reasons.

Just shove them in the back room, empty a can of deodorant, close the door and forget about them forever. And that goes tenfold for the poser cunts that produced Twilight of the Idols.

Twilight of the Idols score: 0/100.

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