
Extreme Heavy Metal Reviews

Suicidal Shit - "Prosatanica Shooting Angels" Review (0%)

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Prosatanica Shooting Angels
Prosatanica Shooting Angels by Nargaroth.

Nargaroth's Prosatanica Shooting Angels is supposed to be "depressive suicidal black metal".

What the fuck is "depressive suicidal black metal" to begin with?

Some people like to think that their opinions, lives and emotions are important enough to be turned into music. That their teenage angst about the most trivial shit is somehow relevant, "transcendental". This delusional bubble in which most people lock themselves in contributes to the degeneration of our culture, and ultimately leads to spiritual decay in the form of self-masturbatory indolence.

It's as mind numbing as hitting yourself in the face with a brick, heavy drinking or drug addiction. It tears people apart and destabilizes them in any and every way, so that they are futile to their own existence and only perceive their own self-inflicted living nightmare.

Prosatanica? Which "Satan" exactly? This shit sounds like a church sermon, "I live in pain due to the sins of the Father", etc.

I guess it proves the inherent stupidity of "satanism", aka "inverted" Christianity. Inspired by the same New Testament.

How is this black metal?

Because you indulge in self-pity and resignation? That is the opposite of black metal.

Depressive/suicidal music is a disease in the minds of artists, who think that the ultimate goal of self-expression must be the pitiful destruction of their essence.

Such pathetic streams are occurring in the perennial decadence that is enforced by the whole emocore scene, which manifests itself in goth/emo entryism in various musical genres. These people represent self-obsession, but rather than flaunting like hypocritical Christians, they choose instead to revel in their own vomit of pseudo-melancholic narcissism. This mediocre virus has not only spread in popular media, but has also reached the undergrounds of heavy metal music.

One of these undergrounds, the black metal genre, has developed its own "distinctive" style of this life-resigning paradox and has become known as "depressive suicidal black metal".

Pure garbage.

Suicidal Shit


Depressive suicidal shit is antagonistic to the black metal ethos.

Be it Mayhem, Burzum, Phantom, Bathory, etc. you name it.

These are bands that showed us something very important, which many musicians today do not realize: that music is about dominance, superiority and most important of all, strength.

The "depressive suicidal black metal" shit, by contrast is the exact opposite. It is as if you took Christian themes and infused them into heavy metal, anyway, it's an oxymoron. There is no "depressive" or "suicidal" in black metal. That is completely incoherent.

If somebody is suicidal, then they should seek medical assistance, not make music.

Turning your psychopathology into a badge of honour, or into a musical genre, is like HIV-positive people deliberately wanting to infect others so that they're not alone in their misery.

Kanwulf is a German musician who plays each and every instrument on this album, thus making Prosatanica Shooting Angels a solo effort. Congratulations on that, not many people can devote themselves to so many instruments and even less people try to make something out of it.

With a little bit more work, the most immortal music can be created. The aforementioned Burzum and Phantom come to mind.

So far, most of the guitar work on Prosatanica Shooting Angels is sloppy and the drumming is out of sync. The music itself is structured to fit the design of an atmospheric approach, but is in reality nothing more than some eerie keyboard synths, accompanied by a mid-tempo sequence of random, dull, and completely forgettable riffs and the occasional pause with acoustic guitar patterns and and emo whining.

Although the vocals are not bad, they do not manage to represent the genre that they suppose to belong to.

But mostly, Prosatanica is completely forgettable, and best forgotten, as is the entire genre of "depressive suicidal black metal".

I hear Kanwulf is still releasing music to this day, albeit under a different name.

That's good, as unlike some other reviewers on Metalious I do not believe him to be a completely inept musician.

But clearly, it all goes to show that he never was as "melancholic" as he wanted you to believe when he released this album.

Prosatanica Shooting Angels score: 0/100.

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