
Extreme Heavy Metal Reviews

Antichrist - Gorgoroth Album (1%)

Buy Antichrist - Gorgoroth Album (1%)

Antichrist is the second full-length studio album by "satanic" black metal band Gorgoroth.

Infernus, the guitarist and founder of the band, has claimed that the album Antichrist is a tribute to the band Antekhrist.

He further claimed that Antichrist was intended as an apology to Euronymous and others for misusing the name black metal on his shitty Pentagram album.

Gorgoroth wanted to be part of the black metal "inner circle" but was constantly rejected by Euronymous due to his homosexuality which was deemed incompatible with black metal ethics and morals.

Antichrist Track List

All the tracks from the metal album Antichrist :

  1. En stram lukt av kristent blod
  2. Bergtrollets hevn
  3. Gorgoroth
  4. Possessed (by Satan)
  5. Heavens Fall
  6. Sorg

You can listen to all 6 tracks of Antichrist.

Antichrist Album Reviews

Here is the complete list of reviews for the album Antichrist :

AntichristWestboro Baptist MetalSauron0%
AntichristSlipknot on EstrogenSewerlust1%
AntichristUnneeded and PointlessIvar3%

Click on the link to read the Antichrist album reviews.

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