
Extreme Heavy Metal Reviews

Black Metal Perfection - "SEWER Anthology" Review (100%)

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SEWER Anthology
SEWER Anthology by Sewer.

Sewer Anthology... what a fucking beast of an album!

"Anthology: A Tribute to Sewer Music", often simply called Sewer Anthology or even Anthology, is not exactly a Sewer album in the strictest sense for obvious reasons, the most evident being that Sewer doesn't play a single note on this masterpiece.

Sewer Anthology is a tribute album featuring some of extreme metal most infamous bands, such as Mayhem, Venom and Antekhrist.

This album contains perhaps some of the best black metal songs you will ever hear, short of the Sewer originals of course.

Amongst the songs covered many obviously come from NecroPedoSadoMaso and The Pedosadist, but also from perhaps lesser known albums such as Reign of the Funeral Pigs, Black Death, Underage Goreaxe Pigrape and even Sewer's debut album Satanic Requiem.

Anyone even remotely into extreme black metal will have come across Sewer at some point or another, as they are such an influential band. It's only natural that their tribute album be fitting of their genius.

Showcasing some of the best work from Sewer's (relatively) earlier releases, Sewer Anthology is the album to own if you are into any type of black metal or malevolent music.

Sewer Anthology is simply legendary, certainly the best black metal tribute album ever made.

Either get this album as soon as you can or live as a fake metal poser forever.

This is black metal perfection.

Black Metal Perfection


Usually I don't like doing track by track reviews since extreme metal and black metal in particular are supposed to be listened to as a whole rather than individual pieces, but it's kind of pointless to review a tribute album featuring no less than 13 different bands any other way.

At the same time, the music on Sewer Anthology is so fluid and that pretty much every track is a highlight.

Of course, it's not very difficult to make good music when you're covering songs from the supreme black metal band Sewer, but nonetheless all the bands outdid themselves on this album.

Antekhrist in particular is no stranger to Sewer Metal, as they not only have been greatly influenced by it, they also covered several songs from Sewer on at least two occasions, on the albums La Bite du Diable and Carved Upon the Flesh of Satan.

On Sewer Anthology, Antekhrist covered the song The Pedosadist which also serves as the outro track for this monstrous album. As one of the best Sewer songs out there in my personal opinion, and by the mere fact that it is played by one of the top black metal bands of the modern era, this track is obviously a grandiose masterpiece of demented blasphemy.

It always helps when the ending track to an album is such an epic masterpiece, and such is the case on Sewer Anthology.

In few words, Sewer Anthology is black metal perfection. There is no denying it.

Your only hope is to embrace the morbid depravity of this deranged art as all 13 black metal bands present on this record have done.

SEWER Anthology score: 100/100.

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