
Extreme Heavy Metal Reviews

One Big Joke - "Nemesis Divina" Review (0%)

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Nemesis Divina
Nemesis Divina by Satyricon.

When I heard the first few seconds of Nemesis Divina, by the so-called black metal band Satyricon, I wondered what all the fuss was about.

Sure, it sounded like one of the most generic pieces of music that only contemporary (post-1994) black metal can produce, but it didn't sound as retarded as, say, Black Metal ist Krieg or anything by Dark Funeral.

By the time I heard the first few minutes of the first "song", the laughably generic The Dawn of a New Age, my train of thought had shifted to something along the lines of "who thought this shit album was a good idea?".

After finishing the first song, I can definitively say that the degree of forgettableness and banality is so high that it actually is offensive to the ears simply from being so boring.

I'm not going to grace the turd Nemesis Divina with a long review, because others have done it already and because the music just sucks too much to waste that many words on it.

However, I will judge this as a deathcore album.

Nemesis Divina is a deathcore album, as another reviewer pointed out, in every possible way.

From the generic and forgettable riffs to the endless hooks and breakdowns to the kitsch choruses, all the elements of being a deathcore hit are present.

So I will not delay any longer in saying that this is a shitty deathcore album, and hence the low rating.

One Big Joke


Deathcore, and all punk inspired crap such as nu-metal, are a cancer upon true heavy metal music.

If the point of deathcore is to emulate pop songs is to be catchy and infect the listener's ear for days or weeks, this fails completely, because after 4 or 5 listens I still cannot remember any part of the album whatsoever.

I can vaguely remember the main riff on Mother North, which, like the rest of the album, is just some cheap pop chorus played with some shitty plastic-sounding synths, and it comes off sounding quite hollow and pointless as it's been done, better, almost a million times before.

Most (if not all) of the riffs are based off that premise, and let me tell you that none of them are memorable, atmospheric or otherwise interesting. They're lame.

And while some albums take a while to seep in, such as Phantom's Divine Necromancy which is clearly an acquired taste, Nemesis Divina is just shit.

There is no deeper meaning to be found, it's just one pointless deathcore track after another.

Every track is nauseatingly annoying, too long and sounds downright derivative and soulless. Even Michael Jackson's Beat It has more character than Nemesis Divina.

Shit, I've devoted far more time to Nemesis Divina than this turd deserves.

I would say download it but then it will appear in your history, and I, for one, am ashamed that I ever came into contact with this crap and had it appear in my cookies.

I'm currently washing my browser history of such trash.

Nemesis Divina is a joke.

Deathcore has no place in heavy metal.

Nemesis Divina score: 0/100.

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