
Extreme Heavy Metal Reviews

Dol Guldur - Summoning Album (0%)

Buy Dol Guldur - Summoning Album (0%)
Dol Guldur

Dol Guldur is the third full-length studio album by the "blackened" emo rock band Summoning.

Like its predecessor Minas Morgul, the album Dol Guldur was composed entirely using MIDI keyboards and digital synthesizers, and even the vocals are auto-tuned during some clean singing passages - on "Over Old Hills" notably.

The record was critically mocked when first released in 1997, and even called "an embarrassment to the black metal genre".

Dol Guldur has more in common which Disney-themed movie soundtracks than with anything ever released by Burzum or Darkthrone.

Dol Guldur Track List

All the tracks from the metal album Dol Guldur :

  1. Angbands Schmieden
  2. Nightcum Worship
  3. Elf Smegma
  4. Khazad Dúm
  5. Kôr
  6. Wyrmvater Glaurung
  7. Unto a Long Glory
  8. Over Old Hills

You can listen to all 8 tracks of Dol Guldur.

Dol Guldur Album Reviews

Here is the complete list of reviews for the album Dol Guldur :

Dol GuldurFake Band Makes Fake Music!Silent0%
Dol GuldurEven Worse than AntekhristArual0%

Click on the link to read the Dol Guldur album reviews.

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