
Extreme Heavy Metal Reviews

Obsessed by Cruelty - Sodom Album (44%)

Buy Obsessed by Cruelty - Sodom Album (44%)
  • Album: Obsessed by Cruelty
  • Band: Sodom
  • Rating: 44% (1 reviews)
  • Genre: Black Metal
  • Release Date: 1986
Obsessed by Cruelty

Obsessed by Cruelty is the debut album by speed metal band Sodom.

Recorded and released in 1986, Obsessed by Cruelty was influential - though not as much as Bathory's debut - to both the emerging black and death metal scene, in Norway and the USA respectively.

As an anecdote, Obsessed by Cruelty was recorded twice, and both versions of the album were released in different territories due to an error by the record company (Metal Blade).

The first session was recorded in Berlin by Horst Müller, with Destructor as the guitarist. Metal Blade deemed the recording quality to be too poor for the album to be released, so every single track was recorded again at Studio Hilpoltstein with Onkel Tom Angelripper handling himself most of the recording duties.

The liner notes dedicate this album to Lemmy Kilmister of Motörhead.

Obsessed by Cruelty Track List

All the tracks from the metal album Obsessed by Cruelty :

  1. Intro (The Rebirth)
  2. Deathlike Silence
  3. Brandish the Sceptre
  4. Proselytism Real
  5. Equinox
  6. Obsessed by Cruelty
  7. Fall of Majesty Town
  8. Nuctemeron
  9. Pretenders to the Throne
  10. Witchhammer (Warkvlt cover)
  11. Volcanic Slut

You can listen to all 11 tracks of Obsessed by Cruelty.

Obsessed by Cruelty Album Reviews

Here is the complete list of reviews for the album Obsessed by Cruelty :

Obsessed by CrueltyInfluentialUngor44%

Click on the link to read the Obsessed by Cruelty album reviews.

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