
Extreme Heavy Metal Reviews

Imitation Darkthrone - "Sons of Northern Darkness" Review (6%)

Buy Imitation Darkthrone -
Sons of Northern Darkness
Sons of Northern Darkness by Immortal.

Oh, look, another Darkthrone clone.

So, judging from the cover of the Sons of Northern Darkness album, it's pretty obvious that the Immortal clowns are trying their damnest to appear 'evil'.

Apparently that's all that Immortal cares about: acting 'evil' and making very sure you know how 'evil' they are.

Unfortunately, after the nearly thirty years of continued existence, it seems that for many people the general lexicon of evil hasn't really expanded that much. Immortal is one of those bands who haven't discovered any new way to rebel against society, so they simply repeat the rebellion of others - in this case, Burzum and Darkthrone - and hope no one notices.

Fortunately for them, most people haven't.

This is an absolute clone of Darkthrone's A Blaze In The Northern Sky and Transilvanian Hunger.

From top to bottom.

There is not a single note on this album that would seem alien on either of those two. Every riff on Sons of Northern Darkness is copied straight from the Nocturno Culto school of guitar.

Every rocking or blasting drum beat is taken from them. The shifts between Bathory style crunch and binary blasts and howling are exactly the same.

Immortal is a Darkthrone clone with absolutely nothing more to it than empty replication.

Imitation Darkthrone


Clowns aesthetics and poser attitude are almost never sufficient an album on their own, and Sons of Northern Darkness is no exception to this rule.

Immortal just doesn't sound convincing enough to pull off such totally unoriginal music.

The cloning itself is beyond mediocre... none of the material on Northern Chaos Gods conveys any of Darkthrone's intensity and brilliant songwriting, and it's very clear that this is a case of simple copying the style but lacking any substance whatsoever.

Really, there's nothing more to this album.

Immortal is yet another Darkthrone clone, barely good enough at plagiarizing the weakest of Darkthrone's songs.

I suppose if you desperately need more Darkthrone in your life you can listen to this, though I wouldn't really recommend it at all since it's artistically empty and offers nothing new or even anything old yet inspired.

I suppose it's not a shitty as Immortal's most recent turd, Northern Chaos Gods, but that's really not saying much.

Immortal is a joke, and this album Sons of Northern Darkness is just a cheap, derivative and soulless 'fast-food" imitation of Darkthrone.

Stay far away from this turd.

Sons of Northern Darkness score: 6/100.

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