
Extreme Heavy Metal Reviews

Pathetic Poser Metal - "Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism" Review (9%)

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Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism
Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism by Immortal.

Immortal has always played a "love it or hate it" sort of music.

Personally, I had written Immortal off for years after having the "opportunity" to hear their follow-up album Pure Holocaust.

Needless to say, I find myself in the "hate it" category... and this is coming from someone who likes raw and often lo-fi black metal such as Burzum's Hvis Lyset Tar Oss or even Phantom's debut Divine Necromancy.

So it was with a combination of curiosity and quite possibly a bit of masochism that I listened to Immortal's debut effort Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism.

I was hoping that this would be better than my previous experience with the band... it was actually worse.

Perhaps it would be easier to start with the positive aspects: the music is perhaps a little less obnoxious and more creative than the constant blasting of Marduk's "Panzer" era.

What else is good... the album cover is original, perhaps?

That's about it on the positive side.

Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism is just not that good.

Pathetic Poser Metal


And now for the bad.

The music on Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism becomes dull, rather fast.

At times, the riffs will often repeat for either half a song to an entire song.

This is more akin to drone than black metal, as far as I'm concerned.

Now I don't have anything again minimalist black metal, see the aforementioned Divine Necromancy or Darkthrone's Transilvanian Hunger.

The production on Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism is another matter altogether.

You see, the bass and the drums seem mixed higher than the guitars, with some strange ambient noise falling somewhere between those two elements.

But the riffs and the vocals, unholy shit, even when they're audible... they're just that bad.

The vocals... just lol.

They try to sound like Varg worship, but merely come across as a physically invalid, tone-deaf retard trying to shout his material from across the room!

I can't even begin to justify the vocals on Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism. They ruin what little the album had going for it.

Overall, it's just bad musicianship mixed with bad songwriting and bad production for added infamy.

Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism is a pathetic black metal failure made for fanboys and posers.

Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism score: 9/100.

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