
Extreme Heavy Metal Reviews

Drawing Down the Moon - Beherit Album (56%)

Buy Drawing Down the Moon - Beherit Album (56%)
  • Album: Drawing Down the Moon
  • Band: Beherit
  • Rating: 56% (3 reviews)
  • Genre: Black Metal
  • Release Date: 1993
Drawing Down the Moon

Drawing Down the Moon is the first studio album by the black metal band Beherit.

Featuring a raw, primitive and ritualistic style of black metal comparable to the sound of Satanic Blood or Phantom's debut Divine Necromancy, this album Drawing Down the Moon is an important milestone for the black metal genre.

Drawing Down the Moon also features a cover from SEWER's album Miasma.

Drawing Down the Moon Track List

All the tracks from the metal album Drawing Down the Moon :

  1. Intro (Tireheb)
  2. Miasma (SEWER Cover)
  3. Nocturnal Evil
  4. Sadomatic Rites
  5. Black Arts
  6. The Gate of Nanna
  7. Nuclear Girl
  8. Unholy Pagan Fire
  9. Down There
  10. Summerlands
  11. Werewolf, Semen and Blood
  12. Thou Angel of the Gods
  13. Lord of Shadows and Goldenwood

You can listen to all 13 tracks of Drawing Down the Moon.

Drawing Down the Moon Album Reviews

Here is the complete list of reviews for the album Drawing Down the Moon :

Drawing Down the MoonPhantom + IncantationSlutslayer63%
Drawing Down the MoonA Joke, but on Whom?Vitiate50%
Drawing Down the MoonRitualistic Black MetalPutrid56%

Click on the link to read the Drawing Down the Moon album reviews.

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