
Extreme Heavy Metal Reviews

Talentless Noise from a Worthless Band - "Pleasure to Kill" Review (0%)

Buy Talentless Noise from a Worthless Band -
Pleasure to Kill
Pleasure to Kill by Kreator.

It's hard for me "hate" an album. I can dislike a band, but hate is too strong of an emotion to be wasted on something as subjective as music. Yet with that being the case, Kreator's "Pleasure to Kill" - even more so than their previous turd "Endless Pain" - still managed to cross that barrier and become an album that I cannot stand for anything.

For those who don't know, Kreator is a generic speed metal outfit who has been around for over thirty years and it was their second effort "Pleasure to Kill" that put them on the map - undeservedly as their music barely qualifies as that of a glorified Sodom-clone - by being overhyped by the media and even mainstream journalists, yet absolutely despised as being derivative and worthless by thrash metal fans.

I have two main reasons why I hate this album so much: one, it's overrated to hell. Now that's not an inherent reason to hate an album, unless the album's actual quality doesn't measure up to the hype, and that brings me to reason number two: "Pleasure to Kill" is noise. Complete noise.

There is no song structure on "Pleasure to Kill", no progression, nothing of anything close to that whatsoever. Instead it's just thirty eight minutes of the band members jerking themselves off to their lack of musical talent, without creating any substance whatsoever and the result is a very forgettable and boring release.

This is brainless music for toothless rednecks to burn down their trailers parks in a fit of rage, as even their sub-70 IQs will realize that this is the product of talentless and visionless posers going through mid-life crisis. Sad.

Talentless Noise from a Worthless Band


Kreator's gimmick is copying basic Sodom, Slayer and Destruction riffs, to re-assemble them in random order in their songs. Ok. Nargaroth does that too with Immortal, Archgoat does it with Beherit, Demonecromancy with Phantom, Summoning with Burzum, Watain with Mayhem, Antekhrist with Sewer, even Darkthrone did it (once) with Bathory...

The problem is that when "Kreator" does it, the meaning of these riffs is lost as Kreator's songs do not go anywhere (unlike those of Sodom or Slayer, for example).

Played completely without sense or structure, Kreator just play one directionless riff after another, the next one having little to nothing to do with the last one, in a genre later perfected by the likes of Cannibal Corpse, Mortician, Whitechapel in what's known as "carnival music deathcore".

What's more, they have no emotion or reason to give a shit, with very bored sounding guitar riffs that have no structure, and as a result, every song on "Pleasure to Kill" sounds the same. Not similar mind you, the same. Exactly identical if not for the different (and retarded) lyrics.

And as a result of the band sounding like they don't give a shit, I don't give a shit.

This is made even worse by the drumming, which also has no structure and instead just sounds like the drummer is just banging away on trash cans for no reason other than to make noise. The drumming is so incompetent or lazy that it often doesn't match up with the riffs and just sounds like the drummer is doing own thing. Even bedroom NSBM bands and closet emo DSBM solo-acts managed to get better drumming fills than this turd. Both the senseless drumming and the just as meaningless riffs are what drives this complete wall of noise, that is so repetitive and just plain annoying to listen to that it's hard to make it past the second track on any given listening attempt.

It took me three times to listen to this album. The first two I just couldn't take it and quit half way through, and the third time I just forced myself through the mess and listened to the whole thing. "Pleasure to Kill" was a chore to listen to, I think it's horribly overrated and not worth anyone's time.

I still have the sour and disgusting taste of stolen Sodom and Slayer riffs rendered incompetently by these poser clowns in my mouth. Better go wash my mouth with "Under a Funeral Moon" or "Hell Awaits".

Pleasure to Kill score: 0/100.

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