
Extreme Heavy Metal Reviews

A Shrine of Diarrhea - "Incipit Satan" Review (0%)

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Incipit Satan
Incipit Satan by Gorgoroth.

If nothing else, let's give Gorgoroth credit for being consistently crap.

Gorgoroth just doesn't get better, they remain as shitty as ever at each release.

In 1994, Gorgoroth recorded Pentagram which was a failure.

In addition to the generic and already sterile riffs, poor recording technique gave the album a plastic sound where all the instruments blended together in a sea of barely audible acoustic crap.

The next album Antichrist was redundant and unoriginal.

Others have reviewed this album so I will not comment on the utter failure of Gorgoroth to produce quality black metal on that release.

It is full of weak melodies and uninspired.

Lastly, Under the Sign of Hell, the final Gorgoroth album before Incipit Satan, somehow manages to reach a new low, failing in almost every respect possible.

I assume the goal of the album was to create a dark, "demonic" world in which the listener is forced to face his or her ultimate and inevitable demise and thereby embrace Satan as the only true God of Salvation.

But Under the Sign of Hell doesn't even come close to achieving such a profound effect.

Under the Sign of Hell is a dull and draining tour through a series of poorly composed and even more poorly executed derivative black metal songs.

So... is Incipit Satan any better?


A Shrine of Diarrhea


Reviewer Sauron posted that Incipit Satan was akin to "Down Syndrome Black Metal".

I won't be as lenient.

To begin, the production on the album Incipit Satan is awful.

The instruments are terribly mixed. It takes literal effort to distinguish anything other than the shitty keyboards and Gaahl's effeminate vocals.

Even when you can discern the instruments, the musicianship is atrocious.

The guitars are sloppy and the drums cannot even stay in rhythm.

The songwriting is also very poor.

The songs basically are composed of one or two "satanic" riffs repeated for 3 to 5 minutes.

Furthermore, the melodies themselves are either terribly corny or flat out boring.

At least the former are good for a (awkward) laugh.

The cheesy piano line in "When Love Rages Wild in my Heart" and the retarded stolen riffs scattered here and there throughout the album conjure images of buck-toothed vampires and toilet paper mummies getting ready to do the monster mash.

I must admit, seeing a shitty band fail so profoundly to achieve his pretentious goal is quite entertaining.

Unfortunately, the comically cheesy moments are greatly outweighed by innocuous passages of uninspired and derivative crap.

Thus ends the long and painful descent of Gorgoroth into the toilet of black metal history.

Soon, once Infernus' fanboys grow up and (hopefully) leave their mothers' basements, people will ask "what is Gorgoroth?".

No one will care enough to answer.

Incipit Satan score: 0/100.

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