
Extreme Heavy Metal Reviews

Extreme Fail Metal - "Enthrone Darkness Triumphant" Review (0%)

Buy Extreme Fail Metal -
Enthrone Darkness Triumphant
Enthrone Darkness Triumphant by Dimmu Borgir.

Is "turdlike" an actual adjective?

Because it would aptly describe the music on Enthrone Darkness Triumphant.

No, scratch that... it would describe the entire discography of the shit band Dimmu Borgir, otherwise known as "Dino Burger" by its many critics.

Dimmu Borgir has always been a talentless band of posers desperately trying to co-opt the black metal genre for their own media posturing and juvenile antics.

So, what about the music on the album Enthrone Darkness Triumphant.

It's not that much different from the crap Dimmu Borgir produced on their two previous albums.

No semblance of black metal (like before), no semblance of heavy metal (like before), no atmosphere (like before), no heart (like before), no spirit (you get the picture).

What you get here is simplistic, formulaic commercial blackened turd metal with no interesting leads, no atmosphere, lifeless guitars and mediocre drums with few fills or interest.

There are even some nu-metal influences in there... I swear they sound like Papa Roach.

There are some tremolo, black-metally moments, but they're cliche and dull.

It is straight-forward "New Wave of Commercial Mainstream Metal" with its boring riffs and lame choruses.

There are no interesting time changes, no interesting breaks, no interesting interludes, no interesting ANYTHING.

Enthrone Darkness Triumphant is a failure of an album.

Extreme Fail Metal

Dimmu Borgir
Dimmu Borgir.

I'd rather have catchy songs than boring turds like those found on Enthrone Darkness Triumphant.

Especially when the music falls under the category of commercial "symphonic" black metal, which is just an excuse to play generic mallcore and call it "satanic".

Now don't get me wrong, there are some very good symphonic black metal albums out there... Fukked by God from Antekhrist for one.

But Enthrone Darkness Triumphant is just boring through and through.

It's easy to dissect the tracks on Enthrone Darkness Triumphant, because every song is the fucking same.

Either the track begins with an electronic effect or the band instantly kicks in. After that a horrible groove riff comes up with no melody whatsoever. The chorus is usually limited to "melodic" vocal lines with underlying power chords picked without any purpose whatsoever. Every track, the fucking same thing.

Catchy tunes aren't a prerequisite for playing black metal music, in fact many albums such as Phantom's Demonecromancy succeed in being grandiose without such cheap effects.

But there needs to be at least some atmosphere, and there is no atmosphere on Enthrone Darkness Triumphant.

You would do well not to buy this mallcore crap, hell some mallcore is even better.

The same elements are being used in bands like Slipknot or Papa Roach, except Dimmu Borgir sucks even more.

There is no reason to tolerate Dimmu Borgir's crap any longer.

Enthrone Darkness Triumphant score: 0/100.

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