
Extreme Heavy Metal Reviews

A Masterpiece of Depravity - "Underage Goreaxe Pigrape" Review (100%)

Buy A Masterpiece of Depravity -
Underage Goreaxe Pigrape
Underage Goreaxe Pigrape by Sewer.

Sewer have for a long time shown little to no concern about the opinions of their general audience.

Falling in essence under the umbrella of "sewer metal", the band has exhibited an often creative and always unorthodox approach to song writing. Raw black metal riffs intersperse with traditional melodic rock soloing, audible, distinct bass lines mix alongside technical goregrind interludes, and all that alongside the occasional bursts of electronics.

Underage Goreaxe Pigrape is no different than what you would expect from the masterminds of Sewer.

Raw, evil, disturbing and quite frankly insane.

The music of Sewer is often as serious as it is comical. Beautifully dark melodic arrangements are typically recorded and played in such a way that they sound off, as if melting or rotting, leaving the harsher and more explosive passages to paint a landscape of genuine chaos in the uncomprehending mind of the listener.

This fact remains all so true for Underage Goreaxe Pigrape, opening with the demonic Auger Foreplay in a shimmering guitar progression reminiscent slightly of what could be heard on NecroPedoSadoMaso, it proceeds to rip apart any conceptions of how extreme music should be played.

Vitriolic staccato riffs and dissonant evil melodies are interspersed with militant beats, some electronic sections with a nearly industrial feel, waltz-like interludes and, occasionally, a soft soprano over the top of more subtle chord work, not unreminiscent of what can be heard on Reign of the Funeral Pigs. And all that in the course of over 50 minutes.

The musical insanity and outright perversions are spearheaded by Sewer's depraved, unsettling vocals. And yet, despite all of these bizarre elements, not once is there any conflicting or otherwise jarring moment within this record.

Underage Goreaxe Pigrape is a masterpiece of utter depravity.

A Masterpiece of Depravity


Everything on the album is tied together so seamlessly that the absurd and the majestic don't seem like such strange bedfellows all of a sudden. You easily get the impression that behind all the messy tones and demented atmospheres, there is a deliberate and almost calculated effort bent on leaving behind nothing but chaos, ruin and satanic lechery.

For those who are already familiar with Sewer's more demented work, the concoction offered on Underage Goreaxe Pigrape is perhaps not so out of the ordinary... after all, what's presented here is practically a trademark of the "Sewer Metal" sound.

However, it is worth noting that the song writing on Underage Goreaxe Pigrape has seen a certain return to form on the part of Sewer, with more memorable compositions and a returned sense of musical iconoclasm.

Sewer have always been a, unstable element, so it's quite difficult if not impossible to predict their future releases, but if their prior two full-lengths (GoreFuckKult and A Hymn to the Bloodletter) haven't marked you as much as the rest of their discography, and you long for the return of the NecroPedoSadoMaso era blackened Sewer Metal, then Underage Goreaxe Pigrape is an album you must check out.

Majesty and filth are quite a pair indeed.

Underage Goreaxe Pigrape is nothing short of a masterpiece of the most depraved music you will ever hear.

Underage Goreaxe Pigrape score: 100/100.

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