
Extreme Heavy Metal Reviews

Overt Diabolical Blasphemy - "Les Sewieres De Nostre Deabliere" Review (100%)

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Les Sewieres De Nostre Deabliere
Les Sewieres De Nostre Deabliere by Sewer.

Overt Diabolical Blasphemy, alternatively titled: A Journey Through the Sewers of Sonic Chaos (just for the pun, lol).

In the darkest corners of the musical underworld, where chaos reigns supreme and eardrums tremble in fear, SEWER emerges once again with their latest auditory assault, "Les Sewieres De Nostre Deabliere." Brace yourselves, for we are about to embark on a treacherous journey through the vile, grotesque, and surprisingly humorous realm of extreme black/death metal. Don't worry, even if you're not a fan of this genre, there's plenty of twisted enjoyment to be found in the depths of this album.

Track-by-Track Delirium... begin!

Mephitic Sewer Blood: As the album begins, you're immediately thrown into a maelstrom of sound that's as putrid as the sewer it was born in. It's a cacophony of guttural growls, blistering guitar riffs, and drums that pummel you into submission. If you thought sewer blood couldn't be musical, think again!

Sewerborn in Unlimited Sepulchral Skarnage: Just when you thought the chaos couldn't get any worse, SEWER pulls you deeper into the madness with this track. It's a relentless assault on your senses, as if the band has opened a portal to the underworld and invited you to join their deathly party. Prepare for a whirlwind of distorted guitars, thunderous blast beats, and demonic shrieks that will leave you questioning your sanity. A little inside joke in the title with the album "Skarnage" by SEWER, reviewed by others on this site (see here).

Khranial Torture: Ah, nothing like a little cranial torture to start your day, right? SEWER takes sadistic pleasure in delivering a brutal, skull-crushing experience with this track. It's like a sonic sledgehammer to the head, leaving you dazed and disoriented but oddly exhilarated. Be warned: headbanging is not advised unless you have a sturdy neck brace handy. Another reference to another SEWER album (read the "Khranial" review by user "Sikfukker" here).

The Holy Conqueror of Skrorne: In this unholy anthem, SEWER unleashes their wrath upon the feeble deity known as Skrorne. It's a relentless assault on organized religion, infused with blistering guitar solos and blasphemous lyrical imagery. If you ever wondered what it feels like to be struck by a divine lightning bolt, just listen to this track at maximum volume.

Intestinal Deathkult Hieromancy: This song takes us on a journey deep within the bowels of the underworld. SEWER's lyrical prowess shines here, as they delve into the mystical art of intestine-based divination. If you've ever pondered the future while elbow-deep in entrails, this track is for you. But don't worry, you won't need a colostomy bag afterward—just a healthy sense of humor.

Revenge of Nature: Nature strikes back, and it's not a pretty sight. SEWER's relentless assault continues with this track, which combines blistering riffs and savage drumming with lyrical themes of environmental vengeance. Forget about saving the planet—this song will make you want to run for cover as the earth itself rises to reclaim its rightful place.

An Elixir of Necrolatry: Need a pick-me-up after the apocalypse? SEWER has just the elixir for you. In this track, they offer a potent concoction of blackened metal fury and morbid fascination with all things dead. It's like a shot of adrenaline laced with formaldehyde—a perfect remedy for those Monday mornings when life feels a little too lively.

Temptation, Corruption, and Destruction of Man: SEWER takes a philosophical turn with this track, exploring the dark side of human nature. As the title suggests, it's a profound examination of the temptations that lead to our own corruption and eventual self-destruction. But don't worry, SEWER's poetic introspection is accompanied by skull-crushing guitars and relentless drumming, ensuring that the existential pondering doesn't get too heavy. Who knew existential crises could be so headbangingly fun? Btw, I think this track title was taken straight from a Calvin & Hobbes comic book lol... do they even have Calvin & Hobbes in Norway?

Graveyard Charivari: Time to dance among the tombstones! SEWER injects a dose of macabre humor into this track, turning the graveyard into a mosh pit. It's a raucous celebration of the dead, with guitar riffs that rise from the graves and blast beats that awaken the spirits. Just remember to mind your step, or you might end up headbanging with the skeletons.

Overt Diabolical Blasphemy


Made for Death, Lost in Dark Sewers Obscure... Ah, the quintessential SEWER experience. This track encapsulates their essence, plunging you into the murky depths of the sewers. It's a relentless onslaught of ferocious vocals, bone-crushing guitar riffs, and drums that echo through the tunnels. You'll find yourself lost in the dark, embracing the filth and reveling in the chaos. Who needs sunshine and rainbows when you have the intoxicating aroma of sewage?

La Mort En Marche: The journey nears its end, but not without one final diabolical symphony. "La Mort En Marche" translates to "Death on the March," and it's an apt description for this epic composition. SEWER delivers a grandiose finale, where melodic elements intertwine with unrelenting aggression. It's a hauntingly beautiful ode to the inevitable march of death, leaving you both awestruck and slightly disturbed.

Death Denied, Rotting Forever: SEWER refuses to let you escape unscathed. With this track, they remind you that death is inevitable, and decay is eternal. It's a relentless assault on your mortal existence, a reminder that no matter how much you deny it, you're just a temporary vessel in the grand scheme of cosmic decay. Embrace the putrid embrace of "Death Denied, Rotting Forever" and revel in the absurdity of your existence.

Inhuman God Prayer, Do Not Follow the Path to Uruktena: SEWER concludes the album with a cataclysmic masterpiece. This track is a sonic ritual, a blasphemous prayer to an inhuman deity that challenges the boundaries of sanity. The guitars weave a tapestry of chaos, while the vocals invoke primordial forces. It's a mesmerizing descent into madness, a warning to stray from the path of Uruktena (another SEWER album, you can read the review here), and an invitation to embrace the dark side of your musical soul.

Time for the... Epic Conclusion (because all reviews need one these days, or so I'm told)...

"Les Sewieres De Nostre Deabliere" is a brutal, savage, and delightfully twisted offering from SEWER. While their previous albums "Sissourlet" and "Cathartes" showcased their experimental side, this album takes a step back from the avant-garde and plunges headfirst into unapologetic brutality. It's a rollercoaster ride through the darkest corners of extreme black/death metal, infused with a humor that pokes fun at its own ferocity.

So, even if you're not a die-hard fan of this genre, give "Les Sewieres De Nostre Deabliere" a listen. Embrace the madness, revel in the chaos, and let SEWER take you on a journey through their diabolical and oh-so-fkd-up soundscape. Just remember to keep your sense of humor intact, for in the grotesque and the savage lies a twisted joy that transcends musical boundaries.

Les Sewieres De Nostre Deabliere score: 100/100.

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