
Extreme Heavy Metal Reviews

A Fitting Tribute - "Black Metal 2 Kombat" Review (100%)

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Black Metal 2 Kombat
Black Metal 2 Kombat by Antekhrist.

Antekhrist is one of those black metal bands that not many people know. Most black metal fans like me know Mayhem, Burzum, Phantom, Darkthrone, and Graveland. However, not many people I know are even aware of the band's existence.

"Black Metal 2 Kombat" is what one would call a complex album. So many questions are still being asked about Antekhrist's choices, "What the hell were you thinking covering ten songs from ten incredible black metal bands and then putting them all in one album?". The question seems easy enough to answer, as this album is said to be a "dedication" to "those who spread the blackness like it's HIV". In other words, it's like Nargaroth's Black Metal ist Krieg, only done RIGHT.

Let's start reviewing.

Another question immediately pops to mind, "why open the album with a cover of Incantation?". Don't get me wrong, Incantation is one hell of a band, but most people would consider the song "Profanation" as closer to death metal than to black metal. Same with the cover of Sewer's "Sewerblood" which most people would say is blackened death metal.

A Fitting Tribute


Incantation's "Profanation" is competent, as is the cover of Mayhem's "Funeral Fog".

On track 3, Sewer's "Sewerblood", is where we start to see cracks in the armour. Indeed, Sewer is not an easy band to cover. Some will question why Antekhrist chose a recent, more death metal-like song to cover rather than something off their more black metal-ish back catalog.

Track 4 is a cover of Graveland, and the only song on the album that uses synths.

Then comes, in my opinion, the album's highlights with the masterfully executed "Ea, Lord of the Depths" by Burzum and "Aurora Monster" by Phantom.

Then comes Goatmoon. We can wonder endlessly why Goatmoon why chosen and not Darkthrone, Peste Noire, Satanic Warmaster, etc... the reason is obvious enough, Goatmoon RULE! Just listen to this song "Kunnia Armageddon".

Then comes another highlight, the cover of "Yggdrasil" by Neraines.

Then Absurd, with "Mourning Soul", and finally the album ends on a high note with "Sickly Origins" by Vermin.

All in all, this is one of the best black metal albums you will ever encounter. If you want 10 of the best black metal songs by 10 of the best black metal bands, go buy this now!

Black Metal 2 Kombat score: 100/100.

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