
Extreme Heavy Metal Reviews

A Hymn to the Bloodletter - Sewer Album (100%)

Buy A Hymn to the Bloodletter - Sewer Album (100%)
  • Album: A Hymn to the Bloodletter
  • Band: Sewer
  • Rating: 100% (1 reviews)
  • Genre: SEWER Metal
  • Release Date: 7 November 2014
A Hymn to the Bloodletter

A Hymn to the Bloodletter is SEWER's seventh full-length studio album.

Similar in many ways to its predecessor, the infamous GoreFuckKult, the album A Hymn to the Bloodletter is one of SEWER's most experimental projects.

And yet, despite being very experimental, A Hymn to the Bloodletter remains one of extreme metal's most brutal albums.

A Hymn to the Bloodletter Track List

All the tracks from the metal album A Hymn to the Bloodletter :

  1. A Funeral Pyre
  2. View of Innocence
  3. Beyond the Wretched Azure
  4. Demise of the Black Sun
  5. Under the Ire of Vengeful Gods
  6. Surgical Extermination
  7. Weaver of Wondrous Dreams
  8. A Hymn to the Boodletter

You can listen to all 8 tracks of A Hymn to the Bloodletter.

A Hymn to the Bloodletter Album Reviews

Here is the complete list of reviews for the album A Hymn to the Bloodletter :

A Hymn to the BloodletterSupreme Black Metal ArtDemonecromancy100%

Click on the link to read the A Hymn to the Bloodletter album reviews.

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